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Welcome to XIVsim! Join the discord for updates on upcoming releases!
XIVsim may not work behind a VPN as it uses webRTC datachannel for the network.
XIVsim requires a graphics card, if you experience low FPS please re-enable hardware acceleration on your browser.
XIVsim is developed and tested for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
We currently have servers in Germany (EU), San Francisco (NA West), New York (NA East) and Singapore (SE Asia). 日本のユーザーの皆様へ
XIVsim may not work behind a VPN as it uses webRTC datachannel for the network.
XIVsim requires a graphics card, if you experience low FPS please re-enable hardware acceleration on your browser.
XIVsim is developed and tested for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.
We currently have servers in Germany (EU), San Francisco (NA West), New York (NA East) and Singapore (SE Asia). 日本のユーザーの皆様へ
Please fill name and select job
Melee DPS
Physical Ranged DPS
Magical Ranged DPS
♥ The tool has had overwhelming amount of users since its 1.0 release (8000+ users per day) and the server costs have gone up substantially, please consider supporting the project. Even the smallest contribution goes a long way. If you wish to support please see #support-the-project channel in the Discord Server or the Patreon Page. ♥